About Me

I am the Vicar at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Wickenburg, AZ. 

When not working, I enjoy bicycling and motorcycling (the lazy man’s version of the bicycle). I used to spend quite a bit more time hiking as well, but a broken femur from a motorcycle accident has slowed me down a bit on two feet. I try to plan as many motorcycle trips as I can manage per year, just because life is too short to not see the world.

One of my extracurricular activities from my former days as a software programmer includes the Online Book of Common Prayer, which aims to provide a simple interface for doing the Daily Offices.  

I hold a Masters of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Diploma of Anglican Studies from Sewanee School of Theology at the University of the South.

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Contact Me

Contact me on any of the following sites:

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  1. Danny Butts - Reply

    Thanks for the great work! Really helpful for reading the Daily Office. One comment – it would be useful to have a link to Other BCP Content (i.e. the prayers) after the Collect and the Prayer for Mission (where it says other intercessions, etc.).

  2. Jim Obemeyer - Reply

    Michael, Good to catch up with you. Have used the BCP website on and off for a long time without know you were behind it. Love the site and the way you set it up.

  3. John - Reply

    I stumbled across your site while I was searing for Ecclus 39:1-8 which is the first lesson in Morning Prayer for today (June 11 – Ember Wednesday). Thank you for your work. If you ever need another project you could do the offices from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer which many people still use.

  4. Sara - Reply

    We were so excited to find your BCP online. We are new to Anglicanism and your site has enabled us to consistently incorporate the prayers and readings into our day. (looking forward to the Greek flashcards) 🙂

    Numbers 6:24-26

  5. Linda - Reply

    Hi, Michael – I enjoyed reading about your work and your plan to build bikes and and find cool paint for them. I hope you can continue to develop that interest. It is good to create away from the computer screen sometimes:)

    Thanks again for the BCP site. It is such a gift and blessing to so many.

  6. Kyle De Wolf - Reply

    Thank you so much for the BCP page. I searched long and hard for a decent electronic version of the BCP that would give me the prayers and readings for each day, without having to juggle two or three books, and scratch my head trying to figure out where we are in the lectionary. Your page is the best that I have found so far.

    • mike - Reply

      Glad you like it, Kyle. It’s always nice to hear when people appreciate the BCP site.

    • Michael Seiler - Reply

      Todd, glad to hear you are using the site! And glad to see that you’re at Fuller Seminary.

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