Year: 2019

Finding What is Lost

Lectionary Readings – (14th Sunday After Pentecost) I have a small notebook that I carry around with me almost everywhere I go. In it, I keep ideas for new software applications, new business ideas, my rantings and ravings, sermon ideas, and personal thoughts. Most of what I write in this notebook is very personal to…

Distracted Focus

Lectionary Readings – (6th Sunday After Pentecost) As I was preparing for today, reading about Mary and Martha, I was reminded of a cartoon I saw on Facebook recently.  The sheep is lying on a garden recliner watching television, behind him the radio is blaring, he’s reading a magazine and simultaneously listening to an iPod.…

Change of Address

My technology blog has changed from my top level domain to a subdomain. It will most likely turn into an archive only, and I will most likely not continue writing any more entries there… The new address is

Fishing in the Wrong River

Lectionary Readings – (Third Sunday in Easter) When I was attending seminary in California, a group of us loved to go fishing. Often, we would grab our gear on long weekends, and run up to Lake Isabella and the Kern River, north of Los Angeles. On one particular weekend, two of us had heard that…


Lectionary Readings – (Last Sunday after the Epiphany) Some of you may remember the comic strip called Calvin and Hobbes, which follows a young boy named Calvin and his talking tiger, named Hobbes. In a series of strips, the creator of the comic, Bill Watterson, plays with the idea of a transmogrifier, which starts out…